Panel Meeting of the 5th European Jurists’ Forum
Olvasási idő: 3 – 4 perc
Opening Plenary Session
- Prof. Dr. László Sólyom: Address of the President of the Republic of Hungary
- Dr. Jerzy Buzek: Address of the President of the European Parliament
- Dr. Béla Katona
- Dr. Nikolaus Michalek
- Prof. Dr. Gábor Máthé
Keynote Address
- Prof. Dr. Péter Balázs: The future of Europe
Criminal Law
- Lothar Kuhl: Elements for an emerging system of EU – Rules on administrative and criminal sanctions in the area of anti-fraud policies
- Prof. Dr. Katalin Ligeti: The principle of mutual recognition – prerequisites, principles and exemptions
- Prof. Dr. Anne Weyembergh: Mutual recognition of national criminal procedural decisions, fundamental principles and boundaries – using the European Arrest Warrant as an example
- Prof. Ákos Farkas: The facets of evidence transfer in trans-national criminal proceedings
- Mr. Fritz Zeder: The Evidence Warrant: model for the future or wrong track?
- Prof. Dr. Roland Genson: Europol – short and long term perspectives after 1 January 2010
- Prof. John Vervaele: European Enforcement Agencies in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice: the Eurojust-European Public Prosecutor binomial
Civil Law and Commercial Law
- Prof. Dr. Arthur S. Hartkamp: The effect of the EC Treaty in private law. On direct and indirect horizontal effect of primary community law.
- Prof. Dr. Marek Safjan: Horizontal effect of the general principles of community law in the sphere of private law
- Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Jürgen Basedow: The Court of Justice and private law: vallications, general principles and the architecture of the European judiciary
- Prof. Dr. Christiaan W. A. Timmermans: Impact of EC law on international company law
- Prof. Guy Canivet: Application of the basic principles and the directives of the community in the French Law
- Prof. Dr. Hugh Beale: The impact of the decisions of the European Court on decisions made by the national courts in English law
- Dr. Ádám Tóth: The legal standing and activies of the notaries and the practice of the European Court of Justice
Public Law
- Dr. Olivier Dutheillet de Lamothe: Le Conseil constitutionnel et le processus d’ intégration communautaire
- Prof. Dr. Armin von Bogdandy: Prinzipien der Rechtsfortbildung im europäischen Rechtsraum Überlegungen zum Lissabon-Urteil des Bundesverfassungsgerichts
- Prof. Dr. Árpád Kovács: Ways of contribution of the private sector to handling public tasks
- Prof. Dr. Terence Daintith: Privatization of government functions in common law countries
- Prof. Dr. Sabino Cassese: The private conquest of the public sphere: retreat or expansion of the state?
- Prof. Dr. Francis Delperée: La souverainete de l’etat á l’heure de la mondialisation
- Prof. Dr. Nóra Chronowski: On the changing concept of sovereignty
- Dr. Anikó Szalai: International perspectives on outsourcing military tasks
Concluding Plenary Session
- Prof. Dr. Attila Harmathy: The impact of the decision of the Court of Justice of the European Communities on the civil and commercial law of the European Union’s member states
- Prof. Dr. Péter Paczolay: The new limits of sovereignty. General report of the public law session
- Dr. Guy Schleder: Greetings on behalf of the host of the 6th European Jurists’ Forum
- Prof. Dr. Gábor Máthé: Closing remarks
- Dr. Jerzy Buzek: Acknowledgements bí the President of the European Parliament